Crimson Thorn Cemetaries
angry chat bubble "Your body's right beside me but i feel so cold , a liar , a fuck up is all i am to you , i can't live in this life , even if you want me to ! !" audio track playing "You took my hand and we both started running , both started running there's no place to go , another bullet and we both started running ! !" small bat with stars "Sanctus , Espiritus , redeem us from our solemn hour , Sanctus Espiritus , insanity is all around us , Sanctus Espiritus , is this what we deserve ? Can we break free from chains of never-ending agony ?" small cat jamming out

reef of black flowers leftWelcome to the Cemetary of thornsreef of black flowers right

*big WIP dont expect much* but HELLOOO ! ! ! :3 silly cats

yoyoyooooo! ! ! you might've noticed that this place looks a tiny bit barren and YEA IT IS but i'll be slowly working on this website over the next few months !

I appreciate anyone looking in here and do know this is like, mostly personal as hell and is used for storing graphics , pngs , blah blah blah , ya know? but also other stuff i like to collect on the web!!

Some stuff you could probably expect are tools for html learning (obvs) , music that is pretty obscure and not just in spotify , video game tips and much more that i'll randomly come up with!

to be added : self intro